MuGard® Oral Mucoadhesive provides effective management of oral mucositis (OM)1
MuGard has been shown to reduce the incidence and severity of oral mucositis, delay the onset of treatment-induced mouth sores, help patients better maintain weight during cancer treatment, and use less pain management medications. MuGard was evaluated in several studies including a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, controlled trial1
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Study design
Multicentered, randomized, double-blind, controlled trial in patients being treated with chemoradiation for cancers of the head and neck1

- Conventional course of external beam irradiation (single daily fractions of 2.0 Gy to 2.2 Gy) with a cumulative dose of 50 Gy to 72 Gy1
- Concomitant cisplatin was administered weekly or triweekly1
Primary efficacy end point
Assessment of the reduction in patients’ mouth and throat soreness associated with OM.1 Significant mouth and throat soreness measured by patient-reported Oral Mucositis Daily Questionnaire (OMDQ) mouth and throat soreness question 2 scores of > 2 was previously described to align with severe mucositis.1
OMDQ mouth and throat soreness question 23

Gives you the confidence of proven efficacy1
In a clinical trial, MuGard significantly reduced mouth and throat soreness compared with saline bicarbonate rinse (control)1,4,a

- Safety was evaluated in a 7-week study in the ITT population (N = 120) undergoing radiation therapy for head and neck cancer who received study rinse, regardless of the duration of dosing (equal numbers received MuGard and saline bicarbonate rinse). Efficacy was evaluated in the cohort of subjects who received at least 1 dose of study rinse during the first 2.5 weeks following the start of radiation therapy (n = 78: MuGard = 37, control = 41). The primary efficacy end point was reduction in symptoms of OM determined by the AUC of OMDQ mouth and throat soreness question 2.1
- The AUC of OMDQ mouth and throat soreness question 2 for the two cohorts was evaluated by ANOVA with factors for treatment and initial OMDQ mouth and throat soreness score.1
In a controlled clinical trial of MuGard, no significant adverse events were reported1
- No patients discontinued MuGard because of unanticipated adverse device effects; however, 2 subjects in the saline bicarbonate rinse group discontinued due to nausea or vomiting1
Indication and Important Safety Information
Indication: MuGard® Oral Mucoadhesive is indicated for the management of oral mucositis/stomatitis (that may be caused by radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy) and all types of oral wounds (mouth sores and injuries), including aphthous ulcers/canker sores and traumatic ulcers, such as those caused by oral surgery or ill-fitting dentures or braces.
Contraindications: MuGard is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients in the formulation.
Special Precautions for Use: Patients should avoid eating or drinking for at least one hour after using MuGard. After use, patients should replace the bottle cap and tightly seal the bottle. This product should not be used after the expiration date shown on the carton and product label. Do not use this product in patients with known sensitivity to any of the product’s ingredients. Dilution of the product prior to use is not recommended.
You may report a MuGard® adverse event to Soleva Pharma at 877-319-7272 or by emailing to
Please see accompanying full Prescribing Information.
References: 1. Allison RR, Ambrad AA, Arshoun Y, et al. Multi-institutional, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to assess the efficacy of a mucoadhesive hydrogel (MuGard) in mitigating oral mucositis symptoms in patients being treated with chemoradiation therapy for cancers of the head and neck. Cancer. 2014;120(9):1433-1440. 2. MuGard [package insert]. Dallas, TX: PlasmaTech Biopharmaceuticals, Inc; 2014. 3. Stiff PJ, Erder H, Bensinger WI, et al. Reliability and validity of a patient self-administered daily questionnaire to assess impact of oral mucositis (OM) on pain and daily functioning in patients undergoing autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Bone Marrow Transplant. 2006;37(4):393-401. 4. Data on file, AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Inc.